Carole DeBuse
In the studio - by appointment only.
Hours subject to change. To ensure artist availability, please email.
Art and art making is such a large part of my identity. I identified with the idea that I couldn’t do anything else. It is not that I am incapable of doing other things, but I am driven to create art. As an art teacher I had to be versed in many aspects of making art. I have always been obsessed with good design and what makes a good design. I probably lean slightly more to three-dimensional art making, although I do like painting and printmaking. Currently I am working in clay sculpture and jewelry making. My art Frequently revolves around animals when I work in clay. In jewelry my focus is decorative adornment. My work is more fun than serious. There is enough misery in this world without my art celebrating the dark side.
Southern Illinois University – BA Fine Arts, MS Art Education
Art Instructor, Omaha Public Schools 1980-2013
Art Education Instructor, UNO 1989-2014
Buffett Award 1999
Omaha Art Teacher of the Year 1999
Nebraska Art Teachers Awards
Nebraska Art Educator of the Year
Nebraska Secondary Art Educator of the Year (twice)
Adjunct Higher Art Educator of the Year
Consultant for Getty Foundation for Education in the Arts