Charity Kracher
In the studio - Sun. 11-5, Mon.-Wed. 5:30- 6, Sat. 12-5
Hours subject to change. To ensure artist availability, please email.
Charity Kracher is an artist, graphic designer and encourager with over 20 years of art experience. Her mission is to inspire people to do things they didn’t think were possible, so that tomorrow we are better than we are today.
Charity studied graphic design in college, but fell in love with painting the very first day of a level I painting class. After graduation, Charity really wanted to become a painter but didn’t think it was possible, as she was a new mom, wife and her degree was in design. She became employed full-time as a graphic designer, at a corporate company in Omaha Nebraska for over 20 years.
Charity continued to love, learn and discover more about painting by taking workshops whenever possible. A friend approached Charity about getting a studio at the Hot Shops Art Center, that was her “lets try it and see what happens” moment she had been waiting for. In 2013, Charity moved into Studio 312 at the Hot Shops Art Center and never looked back.
You can find Charity slinging paint, vibing-high, finding joy and pinching herself that she is finally painting on the daily! Charity primarily paints with acrylics on canvas with a bit of mixed media. She finds so much joy encouraging people she meets, who are nervous or scared to be an artist, to just try it and see what happens. This is one of Charity's favorite things about being a painter.