Neal Hoesing
In the studio - Fri-Sun, 10-5 and by appointment.
Hours subject to change. To ensure artist availability, please email.
Having attained a studio space at the Hot Shops has provided me with an opportunity to pursue a number of art projects that until recently were just concepts.
I have produced paintings and some sculpture, sometimes for a living, since my college days at UNL. I have always felt I learned more from great art instructors and being in art classes than in almost any other academic area. While working as a teacher, community activist and farm manager, I have accumulated a large number of inspirations and ideas that I would like to put on canvas and express through other media.
My previous studios included the basement of a converted fraternity house, the basement of my own house (until kids took over), and the sunroom of a farmhouse.
Will Durant said that the main element of art is line. I would not dispute that, but I prefer to focus on color and shading as the best way to communicate with the viewer, emotionally and intellectually. Art is, after all, communication. It is also perception, analysis, problem solving and expression.
My favorite artists are the impressionists. I like to think I share one thing in common with them, the joy one feels when creating.